
Your brand stands to gain huge upside from show attendance. First, being present on-site at Las Vegas Convention Center enables your brand to seize media attention. That extra visibility fosters credibility, builds brand recognition and helps establish your company’s execs as vital thought leaders. Second, the shows are outstanding forums for product launches and demonstrations, drawing significant attention to your services and products. As well, your team can gain valuable face time with editors and influencers, affording you wider industry reach during and after the shows.


Maximizing your show impact begins before the show. Proactive online marketing efforts set the tone for your later show appearance. Undertake pre-show social media outreach, craft website messaging and slate virtual and in-person editor briefs at your show booth. All these steps can differentiate your company from rivals and create attention-grabbing, brand-buttressing media buzz. During the show, stage product launches or demos to establish your brand as a press room force and distribute online updates for visitors using your hashtag.
IBS and KBIS serve up seemingly endless upside for opportunistic brands. Strategies to leverage the shows for profit can seem just as infinite, starting with the following:
- Make it easy. Editors, journalists and influencers are besieged by information at shows. Make insights you provide as media-friendly and easily digestible as possible, and trade and digital contributors will likely favor your brand with greater coverage.
- Keep it going. Sustain the momentum generated by your brand at the show by working equally diligently after the close. Engage on social media and promptly fulfill all editor requests to ensure your brand remains top of mind post show.
- Gauge its impact. Once IBS/KBIS concludes, measure the coverage your brand obtained from show attendance. Perusing the reach, impressions and loyalty you’ve snagged can help your team tweak its 2026 efforts.