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Make sure your pitch stays concise, featuring not one unneeded word


Pique recipients’ interest with offer of un/underreported fact or data


Pitch appropriate reporters/editors by studying their past coverages

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Saturday, September 28th, 2024

Create PR Pitches That Slice Through Clutter and Stand Out in Crowd

Ours is a world befouled by more and more fake and AI-generated news, leaving many editors and reporters increasingly jaded. Not only do they receive more pitches than they could possibly respond to, they are not easily swayed by pitches they do peruse. Upshot: Your pitches must stand out from others, and also offer unimpeachable insight. Practice these tips to ensure your pitch proves irresistible.


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The average reporter receives five pitches daily, and some are inundated under far greater numbers, according to Muckrack. They simply don’t have time to waste on needless verbiage. To grab their attention, you must pursue precision pitching. Being precise can earn you ink. Keeping pitches brief and right to the point not only saves journalists time, but helps them grasp key facts. Include only the most insightful, essential insights in your pitch, those necessary to produce a winning story.

We break the news there are right and wrong ways to craft pitch letters, and the right ways are even more important in the AI era.

Fractl research revealed subject lines based on statistics are journalists’ most preferred, likely because quantitative evidence suggests hard evidence backs the reporting.

Read The Art and Craft of PR: Creating the Mindset and Skills to Succeed in Public Relations Today, by Sandra Stahl.

Pursue your research beyond topics the reporter covers. Follow his social media to learn about his interests or passions, which can help you forge beneficial rapport.

Email or call us at 708-246-4211 and let’s talk about how we can craft great pitch letters for you, which is essential in this fake news era.


Attention-grabbing subject lines are critical tools in spurring reporters to open and respond to your pitch. Sparking these actions is half the battle of effective pitching. Indicating the pitch divulges newsworthy, unique or even amazing insights, preferably based on quantifiable data unearthed via research, can lead your target reporters deeper into the body of the pitch, where additional stats can help cement the recipient’s interest in covering the story. Suggesting a story angle or data-backed storytelling opportunity can also help your cause by saving reporters crucial minutes in her day.

There are almost as many ways to ensure your pitch reaps media coverage as there are great stories to pitch. Keep reading for additional pitch-perfect recommendations.

  • Grasp their coverage. You will enhance the odds of your pitch garnering ink by comprehending your targets’ beats. Not only will it help you pitch to fitting journalists but will also earn their respect for having read and appreciated their writing.
  • Earn their trust. A Cision survey found 25 percent of journalists cited battling fake news as their primary challenge. You can burnish a reputation as a valued ally by doublechecking all info in your pitch and linking to original sources.
  • Follow up later. If you haven’t heard back from the reporter you pitched, it’s perfectly acceptable to retrace your steps with her a few days later. Increase the value of the follow-up by offering an additional insight or an alternative story angle.