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Adopt a marketing strategy built on your brand’s sustainability stance


Tell customers how your company supports sustainable practices, values


Reach new brand loyalty heights among environmentally focused targets

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Saturday, April 27th, 2024

Supporting Sustainability Can Help Your Brand Do Well by Doing Good

April is Earth Month, a perfect time for brands to add sustainability to their marketing strategy arsenals. Approximately 90% of consumers hold companies responsible for carbon footprints, while 57% report they would alter their purchasing patterns to help slow negative environmental impacts. Promoting your brand’s genuine commitment to sustainable practices can enhance brand loyalty. Here’s how to go about it.


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Some individuals have favorite causes, and the same adherence to a movement can be true of companies. Identify the sustainability cause that fits your brand. It might be sourcing recyclable packaging, removal of plastics from waste streams, planting trees or some other goal. This commitment can generate an enduring culture of sustainability within your company and help energize team members to take an environmental stance in your community. Encouraging customers and prospects to learn about and support your brand’s efforts can amplify trust among sustainability-minded targets.

We celebrate the arrival of Earth Month by explaining the importance of incorporating environmental consciousness and pursuit of sustainability goals in brand messaging.

In a 2022 Hubspot survey of 1,034 people, nearly half of respondents (46%) reported being more likely to buy from a company trying to lower its environmental footprint.

Read Purposeful Brands: How Purpose and Sustainability Drive Brand Value and Positive Change, by Sandy Skees.

Positioning your company as a passionate participant in environmental stewardship can help humanize your brand, in the process fostering brand awareness and loyalty.

Email or call us at 708-246-4211 to learn why adding sustainability to your marketing strategy can be wise, and how to inform customers your values are aligned with theirs.


Many brand promotions are seasonal efforts. By contrast, using sustainability in brand marketing strategies is all about building long-term value. Two factors underpin this approach. First, environmental issues are huge global concerns, and can’t be addressed overnight. Second, your brand’s commitment to sustainability will appear half-hearted if it lasts only a few months. In 2018, LEGO reported it planned to ensure all its bricks are sustainable by 2030. Use this kind of long-term thinking, building sustainable efforts over a longer time frame, and committing to longer-term goals.

The issue of sustainability is one as enormous as earth itself. Similarly, the list of ways to build sustainability into brand strategies runs very long. Read on for additional ideas.

  • Company-wide endeavor. Once your brand has committed to a cause, ensure all company activities align with that goal. This strategy can boost inter-departmental collaboration and cooperation, and can also spark interest among customers.
  • Keep messages consistent. Your brand’s sustainability message resonates all the more clearly if messaging remains consistent over time. A focus on consistency remains key given the need to keep employees engaged and pulling together toward the final goal.
  • Measure, report results. To avoid the appearance of giving sustainability lip service or worse, greenwashing, gauge and report on tangible results. For instance, specify in your marketing messaging how much your brand donated to sustainable causes or how much packaging it has recycled.