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Focus your reach with micro- and nano-influencers


Give authenticity on your brand via influencer videos


Boost audience size by building lasting influencer rapport

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Wednesday, August 31st 2022

Fortify Your Brand by Fashioning Relationships with Influencers

Some pundits forecast the social commerce industry touching the $80 billion mark within three years. You’ll want your brand to share in the profits reaped. That’s why it’s essential to keep tabs on the always-evolving sphere of influencer marketing. This discipline’s regarded as authentic, reasoned, caring and trusted – all vital in boosting your brand. Come along as we divulge key influencer marketing trends.


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Partnering celebrity influencers avidly followed by huge audiences once seemed key to marketing success. But today, marketers are moving from massive toward micro- and nano-influencers. Reason: These influencers reach niche audiences, fostering heightened levels of engagement and richer ROI. Micro influencers tend to have 5,000 to 50,000 followers and team with small to mid-sized brands. Nano influencers range from 1,000 to 5,000 and work with companies seeking highly specific audiences. These influencers have followers who closely monitor them, and are interested in their opinions.

We look at different angles of influencer marketing, discussing trends in the discipline that can help companies capture audience interest and kick start brand recognition.

Brands can gain a leg up by embracing technology expressly created to manage affiliate partnerships, oversee influencer traffic and gauge influencer campaign value.

Read Influencer Marketing Step-By-Step: Learn How To Find The Right Social Media Influencer For Your Niche And Grow Your Business, by Bryan Bren.

Some brands may find it wise to blend the efforts of macro-, micro- and nano-influencers, as PlayStation did in promoting its new headsets to the Canadian market.

Email or call us at 708-246-4211 to learn how to leverage current influencer marketing trends to build awareness and brand market share.


The era of short-form video has arrived, with TikTok and Instagram Reels savoring growing favor. Niche audiences find short videos engaging. That means video should be a medium of choice for your brand’s influencer marketing campaign. The targets you want to reach consider them just as authentic as professional-looking video. With that in mind, prioritize creator-generated videos that are genuine in every frame, while also offering trending and useful content that hits your targets where they live. 

Several other strategies can propel successful brand and influencer partnerships. Read on for thoughts on entrepreneurism, youth focus and the long view in your marketing efforts.

  • Entrepreneurial Aim. Brands benefit from influencers who in addition to influencing launch their own companies. This effort offers greater opportunity for promotional partnerships benefiting both the brand and the start-up.
  • Reposted UGC. Stressing use of User-Generated Content allows brands to notch two goals with a single strategy. Reposted UGC helps branded products seem more credible and trustworthy, while also earning points with all-important Gen Y and Z groups.
  • Long-term relationships. Brands don’t build validity and believability with target audiences overnight. That rock-solid bond is nailed tight over months and years. Invest the necessary time and money in lasting connections that nurture brand loyalty.