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Wednesday, September 29th, 2021

The End of Cookies Signals a New Age in Digital Advertising

Starting in the 1990s, use of cookies allowed digital advertisers to track users around the Web, targeting them with ads. But privacy concerns are forcing the demise of third-party cookies. This means digital advertisers will have to master a new game plan to build brand recognition and loyalty, and stimulate purchasing. This month, we unveil fresh strategies you must deploy in this cookie-free world.


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Brands have long relied on data generated from external sources, and techniques like retargeting, as key weapons in their digital advertising arsenals. But given new focus on online privacy and concomitant retirement of third-party cookies, converting prospects will necessitate new approaches. Specifically, much of the data brands glean will have to come from prospects themselves. This may not be as much a headwind as it appears. A recent online poll of 1,200 U.S. consumers found 88 percent willing to share their information in return for a discount, free product or other inducement.

We alert readers to cookies’ impending extinction, exploring ways brands can use new data approaches to build successful digital advertising campaigns.

Most brands will find the new cookie-free era one where they will require not one solution, but a mix of first-party data relationships and other strategies.

Read YouGovAmerica’s “How Loyalty Programs Are Helping To Solve Privacy Concerns in a Cookieless World,” by data journalist Hoang Nguyen.

Brands increasingly view loyalty programs and promotions as ways to spark customer engagement and lift first-party data collection, as part of a value exchange.

Email or call us at 708-246-4211 to better understand how digital advertising will change in a cookie-free era, and to learn means of profiting from the shift.


Moving away from third-party data seems an enormous change. But an upside exists. Companies leveraging first-party data in advanced digital advertising programs will potentially seize a sizable leg up against rivals. Doing so will likely involve adding new first-party data insights to first-party data your company has long gathered. If, for instance, your brand uses a “Contact Us” form and prospects provide their email addresses and full names, that’s first-party data. A number of advantages flow from this ownership of first-party data, including transparency, trust and accuracy. The result should be improved online experiences for your brand’s customers.

  • Pinpoint needed data. Your brand may be capturing some customer data points from third parties. Identify those specific data points, then alter your website sign-up page to make sure customers bestow that data themselves.
  • Be upfront. People value brand transparency. So be forthright with visitors about how you will use the data and benefits they gain by providing personal information. Offer a free white paper or an online coupon in return.
  • Employ targeted emails. When it comes to first-party data, none remains more essential than prospects’ email addresses. Build an email address list, and start building relationships with customers based on promotion timetables and buying patterns.