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Reduce number of words in your release for concision


Optimize the release’s impact by weaving in images, charts, infographics


Fill your release with data that reinforces its message

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Saturday, June 26th, 2021

Stay Ahead of Digital Release Trends to Ensure Your News Hits Home

With the advent of the Internet, social media, mobile phones and more, the media have changed dramatically in the past 20 years. But in this radically-altered landscape, one thing hasn’t changed: The importance of news releases. Now digital, releases are a vital tool in communicating -- and helping shape the reporting on -- your company’s news. Read on for how to best leverage the latest digital news release trends.


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In an age that sees newsrooms understaffed, and editors and reporters more time starved than ever before, your digital news release must pack maximum power in a minimized format. Reduce the number of words, keep sentences tight and emphasize concision as you write releases. Achieving this goal calls for making news releases interactive by sprinkling links the reader can click to gather more information. An economy of words invites the reporter in to the release, while links give her further incentive to report on your company’s news. 

We show why digital news releases play an important role in today’s content strategy. We also demonstrate how to ride current trends to amplify your news release success.

Releases don’t just impart news. Housed on your company website in chronological order, they furnish a fascinating historical account of your company’s growth over time.

Read The New Rules of Marketing and PR: How to Use Content Marketing, Podcasting, Social Media, AI, Live Video, and Newsjacking to Reach Buyers Directly, by David Meerman Scott.

Each fact and data point you include in your digital news release can earn a second life, after your company repurposes it as a blog post or social media post, or expands it into a white paper, case study or e-books.

Email or call us at 708-246-4211 to stay abreast and ahead of important trends in the digital news releases that earn your company well-deserved media recognition.


A good digital news release offers material journalists seek in deciding if and how to write an article based on the release. A quote contained in the release may suggest a story direction or a follow-up interview. A data point can spark a compelling lede. The release may contain an invite to an event, or give convincing evidence of a trend the journalist can use to build visits to her website or social shares. 

These tips represent a starting point on the path to digital news release success. Be mindful of additional trending techniques to garner results, including effective use of data, visuals and social media.

  • Do the math. Reporters and editors have always relied on quantitative insights to buttress their stories’ messages. In today’s data-driven world, dousing your release with numbers entices your audience to read and report on your news. 

  • Show and tell. Studies indicate 65 percent of today’s audiences are “visuals-first” people. The primacy of visuals means graphics such as videos, photos, renderings, charts, graphs and infographics should be fundamental components of your releases. 

  • Exploit social media. When digital releases are disseminated through social media channels, they not only hook journalists, but consumers as well. This enables your company to connect with many kinds of audiences beyond the newsroom.