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Saturday, December 28th, 2019

Propel Your Advertising Forward with Powerfully Authentic Testimonials

One of the most convincing forms of advertising is the authentic customer testimonial. Some believe it’s because the authenticity invests brands with emotional appeal, the most important emotion being trust. Brands sparking more emotional intensity have been shown to whip up three times the word of mouth as those that don’t. Set your ad testimonials apart with techniques capturing and leveraging authenticity.

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Successful brands don’t recline and wait for positive customer feedback. They spur thoughts about the brands’ products or services. That may be through the use of “How did we do?” comment cards, the promise of incentives for feedback or use of panels in which customers share their honest views. In the case of a new product, offers of free samples may be tied to a request for comment. The most genuine reviews received should be carefully cataloged for future inclusion in testimonial-based ads.

We testify to the power of ad techniques built upon authentic customer testimonials, discussing how to reap the greatest return from the observations of satisfied users.

Case studies, video or audio clips from interviews, reviews from online peer review sites and reviews from consumer or trade publications are just a few of the sources that can provide highly credible testimonials incorporated into advertising.

Read “11 Authentic Methods of Leveraging Customer Testimonials,” by Forbes Agency Council.

Setting up daily email notifications through Google Alerts and Social Mention can alert you to positive reviews of your brand written in countless blogs and online forums.

Email or call us at 708-246-4211 to discuss how to build your brand with authentic customer testimonials.


Satisfied customers have a way of articulating what they really value about your product or service, and what attracted them to your brand in the first place. Those customers whose insight and enthusiastic comments ascend to brand evangelism can be particularly persuasive to other potential customers. Of course, your interviews will start with strategic questions. But don’t fail to provide these customers “room to roam” when they sing your brand’s praises. When given creative latitude, contented customers can voice a level of credibility and authenticity that is extremely valuable.

As we’ve noted, ads boasting authentic testimonials tend to build trust. They also boost non-users’ trial by removing an element of fear about trying a product or service new to them. Read on for more ad techniques sparking genuine testimonials.
  • 3. Ask open-ended questions. When hunting for convincing testimonials, avoid questions calling for “yes” or “no” answers. You want questions that elicit answers that encourage anecdotes about the brand, specifics about projects where they used the product or service successfully, as well as about customers’ inner feelings for your product or service.
  • 4. Offer customers a review. Tell customers you will review their responses with them after the interview, to ensure they’re comfortable with their quotes. Reassurance is often enough to get customers comfortable and more open sharing their thoughts.
  • Bonus: Say thanks. Customers furnishing convincing testimonials are critical brand allies. Remember to say “thanks.” Share ad testimonials on your website and social media, giving providers a proud sense of equity in brand messaging.