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Boost ad authenticity by delivering ads in flow of content


Include user-generated content, letting customers be brand ambassadors


Make your brand image shine with native online advertising that works

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Saturday, October 28th, 2017

Confluence of Trends Points to Surge in Native Online Advertising

Online ad blocking is growing. Publishers seek more mobile-friendly ads. Advertisers want less intrusive, more engaging advertising. Combine these trends and the result is a surge in native online advertising, meaning ads delivered within online content's flow for greater brand authenticity. Forbes predicts native advertising will comprise 74 percent of ad revenue by 2021. Here's what to know about native.

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Don't assume native advertising is a one-size-fits-all phenomenon. Different types of native advertising have emerged. The more you understand the differences, the more strategic your approach will be. Native display ads are very common, as are social native ads appearing on social media channels. The future is likely to witness increasing use of native video, augmented reality and virtual reality advertising

We examine the latest trends in, and brand loyalty-boosting potential of, one of today's fastest growing marketing strategies, native online advertising.

You should ensure your native advertising, like all content, is mobile friendly. That's because mobile traffic is predicted to grow 800 percent in the next year.

Read The Native Advertising Advantage: Build Authentic Content That Revolutionizes Digital Marketing and Drives Revenue Growth, by Mike Smith.

Many experts urge keeping native online advertising short. Use as a measuring stick the length of time required to check something on Snapchat, or between 10 to 30 seconds. Keep your message just that brief. You can always tell a story through a series of these bite-size ads.

Email or call us at 708-246-4211 to learn how to leverage native advertising to increase brand authenticity and customer loyalty.


Nothing hikes ad authenticity like liberal inclusion of user-generated content (UGC). Native advertising and UCG perfectly complement one another. You'll see greater use of UGC in native content from articles to videos. Advertisers will pluck UGC from likes and tweets, contests, online reviews and attitudinal surveys, turning those with the greatest brand familiarity and loyalty into persuaders who convince newcomers to try a product or service. But in this 21st Century version of word of mouth, it will be each brand's challenge to provide experiences users want to share.

To understand how brands are leveraging native advertising in new, innovative ways, let's examine a few recent inspiring examples, as well as the lessons they impart.

  • Due to its cost-effectiveness, the time-honored quiz is an ideal vehicle for native online advertising. Ikea used native in a newspaper to present a quiz promoting an A-to-Z roster of sleep enhancement tips. While it didn't reference Ikea's own products, it reinforced its brand image as an innovative problem solver.
  • Native advertising allows for fun flights of fancy. In Fortune Magazine, Warner Brothers promoted its "Batman vs. Superman" film through an interview with fictional villain Lex Luthor Jr., the tycoon heading corporate entity "LexCorp."
  • Increasing brand awareness while building regional pride is possible through well-written stories deftly woven into content streams. Airbnb teamed with the New York Times to present the story of Ellis Island via archival photos and more, conveying the virtues of welcoming hospitality.