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Consider what types of content would interest your customers, prospects.


Include appropriate emotional appeals, graphics that fit your message.


Tie content dissemination to forums most frequented by your audience.

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Saturday, February 25th, 2017

You Want Readers of Your Company's Content to Do More Than Just Read

In these days of social media marketing, it is no secret "content is king." You want your company's content disseminated and read regularly and widely. However, if readers are only reading your content, you are spinning your wheels. Your objective should be to produce such compelling content your readers will not only read but also pass on your ideas to their far-reaching networks. Here's how to accomplish that goal.

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Your customers and prospects won't read and share content that isn't compelling. So consider what kinds of content are so interesting and valuable to them that they'll quickly share or forward. Often, it is content relating success stories, solving nagging questions or explaining how to make more money, save time or cut expenses. Case studies on the successful use of a sales tool or technique, blogs that answer FAQs or business building trends are examples of highly sharable content.

We share secrets to content that's read, appreciated and eagerly passed on via social media. It's content that generates buzz for your brand.

You can increase odds your content will be shared by including an infographic. According to Mass Planner, infographics are "liked" and shared through social media channels three times as often as less visual content forms.

Read Be Heard: The Step-by-Step System To Building An Audience, Getting Attention and Creating Content That Gets Shared, by Terry Pitts.

Content strategies that work for other businesses may not work for yours. So be open to experimenting with different ways to make sure your content is shared.

Email or call us at 708-246-4211 to learn more about creating content that's not only read, but also widely shared.


Content that is both read and shared tends to encourage -- even command -- the reader to come in for a longer look. Because average adult attention span is now just eight seconds, experts recommend arresting headlines with emotional hooks to capture readers' hearts or interests. The opening few sentences should grab readers and not let go. Past the first lines, short paragraphs and abundant white space can keep readers reading until they reach payoff – and forward to their networks.

These steps are a start toward your shareable content. Consider others as well, such as incorporating images and videos in your content and embracing long-form copy. Read on.

  • When it comes to content sharing, nothing succeeds like visuals. The brain processes visuals 60,000 times faster than words. That means visuals can help ensure your message is noticed, read and shared.
  • Video is an increasingly important element of social media content. It may help boost chances your content is shared. Just remember video nicely complements some topics, such as training or how-to demos, but doesn't work as well for others.
  • One might expect short-form content to be shared more often than long-form. But in this case, expectations are wrong. Studies have shown content of greater than 1,000 words routinely garners higher average shares than shorter content.